Sarah Braude -Adminstrator of the Year Finalist – DCAS
WGWP – Past President Sarah Braude made it to the final three nominations for Administrator of the Year at the recent Dept of Cultural Affairs & Sports Annual Awards evening.
Sarah took over the presidency of the WGWP union to head up Womens Golf in 2014, and quickly set about positioning women’s golf within the larger golf environment and establishing ties with crucial role-players.
Sarah has ensured a broader exposure for women’s golf across society and encouraged early exposure to golf for many youngsters.
Building on the above, Sarah, together with a team of committed, experienced golfers has successfully strenthened the future of the game by setting up nodes for beginner girl golfers within the Western Cape region.
Not forgetting the hard work at supporting, encouraging and facilitating the amalgamation of both the Men’s and Women’s organisations.